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Scottsville Spirits - GWA Chamber Gold Card Sponsor

Scottsville Spirits

The GWA Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Scottsville Spirits, a Leadership Member of the GWA Chamber has become a GWA Chamber Gold Card Sponsor for 2024. Scottsville Spirits is your local wine, liquor and New York Lottery retail store in Scottsville, New York, offering great prices and a wide selection! Get your GWA Chamber Gold Card at Scottsville Spirits today!

The GWA Chamber Gold Card connects businesses and communities through GWA Chamber services hosted on its digital platforms using QR code technology to enable easy access to these online services anytime and from anywhere.

From the front side of the GWA Chamber Gold Card connect to information about the GWA Chamber of Commerce as a New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation that promotes the common business interests and quality of life in the Towns of Wheatland and Caledonia and surrounding areas in Western New York State. The back side of the GWA Chamber of Commerce Gold Card has four distinct quadrants that connect to various GWA Chamber online services supporting both businesses and communities.

GWA Chamber Gold Card Connecting Businesses and Communities

Access the GWA Chamber's online Business Directory with a categorized index of more than 140 businesses serving the GWA Chamber region. GWA Chamber members are provided with premium listings located at the top of each category in the Business Directory.

Access an online version of the annual "Gateway to the Genesee Country" Community Guide sponsored by the GWA Chamber of Commerce, created and published by Featured Media. The Community Guide covers the beautiful Towns of Wheatland, Caledonia and surrounding areas. Highlighted communities in this region include the Villages of Scottsville, Caledonia and the Hamlet of Mumford, along with parts of LeRoy, Rush, Riga, Chili, York and Avon. The Community Guide describes prominent attractions, history, amenities and events in the associated communities in conjunction with informative articles and advertising of featured businesses serving the Gateway to the Genesee Country region.

Easily access community organizations through the Community Connections QR code that includes a detailed list of area community-oriented and municipal organizations with associated contact information and/or hyperlinks to their online presence.

The Member Headlines QR code provides a connection to the GWA Chamber Member Headlines Forum, an online venue where to discover current information about the GWA Chamber organization, its members and other relevant business and communities in the "Gateway to the Genesee Country" region. This forum includes Headline Articles, and News & Notices that help connect businesses and communities. Check out the GWA Chamber Gold Card Sponsors and the latest information about their businesses.

News, Notices & Article Detailed Content


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