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GWACC Member Highlights - GCV&M

Genesee Country Village & Museum

The Genesee Country Village & Museum, located in the Town of Wheatland, is the largest and most comprehensive living history museum in New York State – and the third-largest in the United States. Its mission is to enrich life today by connecting people with history, art, and nature, through immersive and interactive experiences.

Exploring Nature

The Museum covers 600 acres and includes the Historic Village, the John L. Wehle Gallery, and the Genesee Country Nature Center, all of which provide interactive programs, fascinating exhibits, and special events to help you live and experience history. Guided by authenticity, collaboration, exploration, inclusivity, stewardship, and responsibility, the GCV&M is a nationally recognized destination and resource for the community as it strives to inspire excitement and curiosity in all audiences.

For more information on hours, events, and programs, see the Museum’s website at or visit on social media at @gcvmuseum.

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