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Community Hall of Fame Honor Roll

John Talcott Wells Sr. - 2018


Born in Garbutt in 1843, John Talcott Wells Sr. lived his entire life in the Town of Wheatland. He was a talented architect and builder of many area structures, who in the late 1800’s designed and patented the innovative and aesthetically beautiful “Wells Truss”. The Wells Truss was used to replace traditional post and beam barn construction allowing farmers to drive their hay wagons into the interior of the barn for unloading, significantly improving the methods and efficiency of these processes, helping farmers be more significantly more productive.  Many of these iconic “Wells Barns” have withstood the test of time and are still standing today.

R. T. Miller Jr. - 2018


Born in 1867, R. T. Miller grew up in the Town of Wheatland on the historic Fraser Farm on the corner of South Road and Bowerman Road. He became very successful as the founder and President of the American School located in Chicago for most of its 120-year history. He used his considerable wealth in philanthropy that greatly benefitted both the Village of Scottsville and the Town of Wheatland in the early 1900’s. In 1915 R. T. Miller Jr. personally paid half the sum needed to purchase Windom Hall to become the home of the Scottsville Free Library for the benefit of the entire community. In 1923, when the Village of Scottsville public water and sewer systems were installed to improve local living conditions, he contributed the larger share of the principle of the loans and continued to make payments for the next 10 years. He also donated the System of Chimes and the Memorial Wall in the Scottsville Library that are still enjoyed today. R. T. Miller Jr. lived and worked in the Chicago area, but he made the Bowerman Road homestead his summer home and remained a member of the Wheatland community all of his life.

Glenn Sickles - 2018


Glenn has lived in the Town of Wheatland for most of his life and currently resides on Scott Crescent in the Village of Scottsville. Glenn has been involved as a volunteer in the Town of Wheatland community and beyond for more than 30 years in the areas of Fire Safety and Fire Prevention education, including time spent as the Chief of the volunteer Scottsville Fire Department. He has spent countless volunteer hours educating the Wheatland community, schools and others across the Western New York region about fire safety and fire prevention. He developed a Fire Prevention Program that earned a regional Jefferson Award in 2004 for making a difference through outstanding public service.  Glenn was presented the 2005 FASNY Fire Safety Educator of the Year, honoring the best fire safety educators and advocates of Fire Prevention in NYS.

Stephen Bowman - 2019

Steve was a long-time resident of the Town of Wheatland. He was an active volunteer fireman in the Scottsville Fire Department for many years, including serving in the capacity of Fire Chief. His skill and expertise demonstrated in these capacities helped him to move into a subsequent key role at the county level in the critical area of innovating improvements in Public Safety Communications, supporting the Town of Wheatland and across the entirety of Monroe County. Steve also served as Mayor of the Village of Scottsville. Steve was the Chairman of a community wide Comprehensive Plan Committee that developed a municipal plan required under New York State Law that continues today to serve as the basis for stewardship, regulation and legal defense of land uses, and for developing public policies that guide land use and community services toward mutually agreed upon future goals. Steve’s dedication, steadfast leadership and significant personal contribution was instrumental in the completion of this high quality and impactful municipal document that has stood the test of time.

John Glavin - 2019

John was a life-long resident of the Town of Wheatland. He touched many lives and organizations within our community, at both professional and personal levels.  John was the legal equivalent of the “country doctor”, embracing the guiding principles of fairness, humbleness, honesty, respect of privacy and service to others. John had an extraordinary career serving our community. He served as Wheatland Chili School District Attorney for 22 years, the Village of Scottsville Attorney for 10 years and the Wheatland Town Attorney for 40 years. The compensation John received in these roles does not begin to cover the exceptional long-term effort, dedication and broad positive impact he provided selflessly serving our community. He leveraged his unsurpassed understanding of the inner workings of our community to help positively guide people and organizations collaboratively through many types of community challenges overtime, quietly facilitating successful outcomes and progress across all aspects of these co-dependent domains

June Davis - 2021

June Davis’ induction into the Wheatland Community Hall of Fame is in recognition for her dedicated service to the Mumford Fire Department and broader community. She is widely recognized as the “First Female Firefighter” in Monroe County. She joined the Mumford Fire Department in the 1960’s serving as the Communications Officer using a new radio system to dispatch alarms. June became an integral part of the Mumford Fire Department, known as the “voice” of the Department throughout Monroe County. June was active in keeping the community informed with her famous “Fire Belle” Report published in the weekly Caledonia Advertiser. June was also instrumental in supporting community functions through the Department, where she was responsible for station tours during Fire Prevention Week and children’s events such as the Halloween Party and Christmas with Santa.  June was a loved member of the community and a legend within the Mumford Fire Department.

Barb Chapman - 2022

Barb Chapman has made profound contributions helping to preserve the Town of Wheatland’s rich history through her many roles, over a sustained period of time. Barb has served as the Town Historian for the Town of Wheatland for a number years where she has helped residents and visitors alike, discover Wheatland's history and the history of their families. She has published many interesting articles and stories of Wheatland's history, several of which are featured on the Town of Wheatland website. Barb has been a long- time volunteer supporting the Wheatland Historical Association and through other endeavors, demonstrating extraordinary dedication for the sharing and promoting Wheatland Town history within the Wheatland Community and beyond. Her effort to digitize many of Wheatland's historical records, including hundreds of vintage photographs will help keep the Town of Wheatland's history alive for generations to come.

Carl F. Schmidt - 2022

Carl Schmidt was a nationally known architect and used his talent for design and historical research to further the preservation of local landmarks and to disseminate the history of Wheatland. During his lifetime he published more than 18 books on topics such as Greek Revival Style houses and cobblestone construction. Many of the drawings in his books are details of Town of Wheatland buildings. ln 1947 he was appointed historian of the town, and in 1951 he published the book, History of the Town of Wheatland. He had spent many months accumulating information from local sources. and the book is the most comprehensive compilation of local events in existence. It is an important resource for all researchers and inquirers into local history.  When buildings were being moved to the new Genesee Country Village & Museum in the 1970s and 80s. Carl Schmidt was an active participant in planning the layout of the village and the restoration of the buildings. His measured drawings were valuable in recreating the buildings exactly as they had been. He also aided Wheatland residents with restoration and appropriate remodeling of their houses. 

Glenn Sickles HoF Plaque
RT Miller Jr HoF Plaque
John Talcott Wells HoF Plaque
Steve Bowman Plaque
John Glavin Plaque
June Davis Plaque
Barb Chapman plaque
Carl Schmidt plaque

Mark Turner - 2023


Mark Turner is a recognized community leader for his notable contributions across many areas of need in the Wheatland Community. He was a founding member and leader in the Scottsville Athletic Association for 19 years, including running the SAA Soccer Program for 10 years. He also served as the Chairman of the Wheatland Recreation Commission for more than 15 years and ran the Wheatland Recreation Youth Basketball Program for 14 years. The youth sports programs he ran provided memorable experiences for hundreds of youthful participants under his leadership.


Mark was responsible for the Town’s web based municipal communications approach when he developed the Town of Wheatland Website for $ 1 and then created and donated a Town Facebook Page solution for municipal community outreach. His municipal branding plan resulted in the creation of a new Town logo in 2017. Mark is the Founder of the Wheatland Community Hall of Fame, developing this citizen recognition program and leading its operation as the Chairman of the “Salute to Excellence Committee” since 2018.


Mark supports economic and community development as the Vice President of the local GWA Chamber of Commerce and as a member of the Wheatland Trail Town Committee. Serving in these roles, he was the principle author of the first Genesee Valley Trail Town Initiative grant application for the Wheatland Community. The subsequent 2022 Trail Town grant award was enabled in part by Mark’s personal financial contribution.

Mark Tuner Hall of Fame Plaque

Kip Finley - 2024


Kip is recognized for his long-time leadership and significant effort in supporting the Wheatland Historical Association (WHA) and other notable endeavors such as leadership in development of an important Municipal Comprehensive Plan Update.


Kip has been a member and volunteer of the WHA for more than 25 years, serving as the organization’s President for more than 13 years. where he supervised the activities of the association, advising and directing the board on charitable work and programs. He supported the addition of the Heritage Room at Sage-Marlowe House which has been a local meeting room and educational facility for more than 20 years.​ Kip conducted executive oversight of WHA's distribution of over $37,000 in scholarships to area high school graduates and middle schoolers during his presidency. He helped write funding applications to secure $30,000 in grants for the Wells Barn Video Documentary project


Kip was a volunteer member of the Town of Wheatland Planning Board from 1996-2004 during which time he Co-Chaired the Comprehensive Master Plan Update Committee and acted as primary author of the 160-page Master Plan Update document.

Kip Finley Hall of Fame Plaque

George J. Skivington Sr. - 2024


George was a lifetime resident of the Town of Wheatland who became a very successful attorney. He was an avid collector of original historical documents, which have been preserved and made available to the public. Because of his wide influence, he was able to acquire very early original documents such as receipts signed by Seneca Indians, Red Jacket and Cornplanter. Some of his archival materials are housed at the University of Rochester Rush Rhees Library in the Rare Books and Special Collections department. A large portion of the collection was given to the Wheatland Historical Association where it has been digitized and is now available on-line through the Rochester Public Library website. Some of the original documents that can be seen in that collection are Wheatland school records from the early 1800s as well as voter registration lists, early tax rolls and other similar documents. The material from the early history of the community that he worked to preserve is an invaluable and irreplaceable asset for present and future generations.

George J. Skivington Sr. Hall of Fame Plaque
John Talcott Wells Sr
R T Miller Jr
Glenn SIckles
Steve Bowman
John Glavin
June Davis
Barb Chapman
Carl Schmidt
Mark Turner
Kip Finley
George Skivington
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